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Rosina's Sourdough starter and bread

550 gr. flour
350 gr. water
10 gr. salt
150 grams yeast/starter
1 T. honey

Note: for lighter bread, I use 400 g. water

When you have the starter in the refrigerator...(which Rosina gave me):
Set on counter till starter rises. Weigh: need 150 grams. Separate and refrigerate leftover starter and every 5 days, refresh it
To refresh it: Every 5 days:
Weigh the existing starter and add add the same weight in flour and 1/2 the weight in water. If you have enough starter to make bread (150-200 gr), after refreshing, take out that amount of the starter and let it double in size. Continue as above.

Leave leftover starter that you have fed on the counter for 1 hour and then put it back in the refrigerator for 5 days. Rosina named hers "Hope."

To make bread:
Use starter (150-200 grams)

Dilute starter (150-200 gr) with water (350 gr) until foamy. I used the mixer to add the flour (550 gr.), salt (10 gr), and honey (1 Tablespoonful). Used dough hook to mix for 20 minutes on low.

Form into a ball (may knead a bit) and cover for 1 hour. (I put in Breville oven proof setting at 80 degrees)

After 1 hour, pull four corners and fold. Do twice within a half hour period.
After a half hour, shape and place in a tea towel dusted with flour and place in a colander till morning. Dust the top with flour as well.

When ready to bake, put cast iron pan in a 400 degree over for 20 minutes. Add corn meal (if you like so it doesn't stick.)

Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes; reduce heat to 350 and bake for 20 minutes; reduce heat to 325 for 20 minute.

rolls form the night before... 400 degrees 15 min 375 degrees

Timeline example:
10 am Take starter out of refrigerator to warm a bit

11:30 Measure. 150-200 gr. Add 400 g. water, 550 gr. flour, 10 g. salt and 1 T. honey. Mixer for 20 minutes.

noon: Take out of mixer (can knead a bit if you like to smoothen.) Put in a bowl and set in a warm place (or cold oven) for one hour.

1pm: Pull for corners, twice within a half hour time period.

1:30 I decide what vessel I will bake it in, line with parchment paper and then put the dough in. It must double in size before baking. Sometimes it takes a long time to double.. Once it doubles in size, you can score the top with a knife or a carb, then bake.

I like to bake mini loaves, so Rosina told me to wait until it doubles in size, then break in up into 4 parts for mini loaves. Let it rise again before baking.

Note: check Amazon for a larb. You can score the loaf before baking.
If you start it late and cannot wait to bake, put the rising dough in the fridge till morning. It will slow the rising process. Bring to room temp before baking.

* Recipe Contributed by Rosina Gioffre via Mary Ann Laun