2 1/2 cups of navy beans
1 1/2 cups liquid from soaking beans
1/4 lb bacon or salt pork, cut up
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/3 cup molasses
Soak 2 1/2 cups of navy beans overnight in 8 cups water.
Drain beans, reserving 1 1/2 cups liquid
Cook on high pressure (turn off Keep Warm) for 1 hour.
Mom's recipe says to cool by standing. I took this to mean use Natural Release.
Open lid and stir well.
Cook on high pressure (turn off Keep Warm) for an additional 40 minutes.
Mom's recipe says to cool in cold water. I took this to mean use Quick Release. I didn't put my inner pot in cold water and the beans were perfect.
Add salt if desired.
Recipe Contributed by
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