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Huckleberry or Blackberry Jelly Directions

Large pot(to boil water and jelly, same pot)
small sauce pan ( for lids)
damp washcloth
towels to put hot jars on
half pint jars
stirring spoon
rubber spatula
cutting board or something to put hot pot of jelly on
wide mouth funnel
shower cap for hair
pot holders

-wash jars in dishwasher.
-run finger along top of jar to be sure there are no chips.
-measure out all ingredients before starting
-boil water in large pot
-pour boiling water into jelly jars in rack on sink
-pour boiling water over lids in small sauce pan
-follow direction in pectin(MCP)
-on the final boil(2 minutes for jellY) pour out water from jelly jars in preparation for pouring jelly
-after pouring jelly, wipe lip of jar before putting on lids.
-screw on rings
-flip over jars onto towel. Leave flipped for 5 minutes
-flip back to right side up after 5 minutes. Listen for pops!