2 decks of cards
One deck for every two people. I like to play two decks with two people.
Deal eight cards each. Flip top card next to draw pile.
Everyone puts four down without looking at them.
First person takes their turn by putting their remaining four cards down (rememborize them!)
They take the flipped card and either replace one of their cards or put it back and flip one over. Either way one card gets flipped over.
Ace through 10 are face value (plus points) (when they are paired = zero)
Except 2s = minus 2
K and J are free
Q = Plus 20
The object of the game is to have the lowest points at the end of 10 rounds.
On the 10th round if someone gets 2 Q's = minus 40
the next person does the same.
Recipe Contributed by
Susan Miali