Wrap the baby back ribs in Saran Wrap and foil tightly. (Janet only uses foil)
Bake at 250 for 3-5 hours
Unwrap and cool. Then cut into smaller pieces (3-4 ribs)
Janet refrigerates them at this point
Dip in sauce and BBQ. They are already cooked so you are just crisping them up. Dip and flip. And dip again.
Cook in a pot to thicken and mix flavors, bring to a boil then simmer:
2 bottles of Chris n' Pitts regular
Kikoman teriyaki sauce. Maybe 1/2 bottle
1/2 box brown sugar
2. Tablespoons of ground mustard
I shake some catsup and worchestire sauce too but it's not a must
Tabasco to taste
I spied on an old friend when he was making these ribs (it was supposed to be his secret recipe) He'd go very heavy on the Tabasco!!
Recipe Contributed by