Fresh shelled oysters from Hood Canal shore.
Flour, eggs, premium saltines
Rinse and drain oysters (May be quickly blanched for easier handling)
Ready three bowls... One containing flour, one containing scrambled eggs, one containing crushed cracker crumbs. (Be sure to use premium saltines)
Melt a good amount of butter in a 13x9" Pyrex (or other) baking pan. (The more oysters, the larger the pan and amount of melted butter)
Dredge oysters first in flour, then egg, then crumbs and place in pan.
Bake in 475 to 500 degree oven about 10 min. one side, flip oysters and bake
another 5 to 8 min.
Forget about calories...just eat and enjoy is Robin's advice.
This is easier and less messy for serving big group than pan frying oysters.
Recipe Contributed by
Robin Watts