I did one batch following a recipe that I found from Melinda that said "Balckberry Jelly recipe perfected"
5 1/2 c. juice
4 1/2 c. sugar
*Consistency was fantastic. Jelled perfectly and spread really nicely.
Next batch:
4 2/3 c. juice (that is what I had left) (recipe from pectin calls for 4 1/2,I think)
4 1/2 c. sugar
*I liked the flavor of this one the best although the first one was good. A bit more jelled so not as wonderful a spreader but still just fine.
I would like to try 5 c. juice. May be the perfect taste with the perfect consistency.
Every thing else remains the same for all recipes:
1/4 lemon juice
1/2-1 tsp. butter