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Chicken Adobo

8 to 10 chicken thighs ( bone in and skin on )
2 TBLS oil
cracked black pepper
bay leaf
soy sauce
white vinegar
green bell peppers

In a large saucepan brown chicken in oil until skin is just slightly cooked
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup water
2 or 3 bay leaves
1 TBLS black pepper
Cook on low heat for 35 min the add bell pepper and cook another 5 to 10 min.
before serving I take the skin off.

I wanted to make this dish for Oneil when we first started dating,. I asked one of my co-workers for the recipe, she didn't have any measurements so told me to do it to taste !! Well I had never made any Filipino dishes before and had no idea what taste I was looking for,so I did my best. Oneil ate it and seemed to enjoy it. He told me many years later that it was the worst thing he'd ever tasted. Needless to say I have made improvements to the recipe since the first time I cooked it. I hope you enjoy it, this is a staple in every Filipino kitchen.

Oh Ya you must serve this with rice

* Recipe Contributed by Celia & Oneil Cortes