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4 c. flour
1 cuo butter softened
3/4 c. water
1 t. salt

Meat filling:
2 medium onions, minced
1 lb. ground pork
1/4 c. oil1 c. water
1/4 c. currants
1 t. dried chilies, crushed
1/4 c. cumin seds
1/4 t. cayenne pepper taste
salt and pepper to taste
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten

Place flour on board and make a well int he center. Place butter, water and salt in well and mix with fingertips. Work in enough flour as needed to form a smooth dough. Let dough rest one hour in refigerator.

Divide dough into 6 equal portions. Roll until each is very thin. Cut circles of dough, 8-10 inches in diameter, cutting around a plate as a guide.

Preheat oven to 400. Prepare meat filling by crumbling meat finely to brown in oil and adding onions. Cook until meat is cooked and onions are translucent. Drail fat. Add water, currants and spices. Blend well adn simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Liquid should evaporate. Cool.

Place 1/6 of meat mixture onto 1/2 of each dough circle, leaving a 1/2 inch border. Moister border of circle with vinegar and then fold side over and seal with a fork. Place on baking sheet and brish woth egg yolk. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden.

May prepare and cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge for up to 4 hours. If frozen, defrost in refrigerator overnight then brush with egg yolk and bake.

Serves 6

Dorothy made this from the Pasadena Junior League's cookbook California Sizzles.

* Recipe Contributed by Dorthy Potter (Mary Ann's friend) from California Sizzles (Junior League of Pasadena)