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Potato Salad - DeKruyf version

3 eggs
1 c. sugar
1/3 c. vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 Tbsp. prepared mustard
1 1/2 c. mayo

potatoes, boiled and diced
eggs, hard boiled and diced
pickle relish
pickle juice
green onion, chopped
salad supreme

Beat eggs with whip in a sauce pan, add add sugar, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Cook over medium heat. Whisk constantly til thick. Remove from heat and add mustard and mayo. Make 3 c. dressing, enough for 1 large or 2 small salads. Keeps well in frig.

Combine boiled potatoes, green onions, hard boiled eggs, pickle relish, and some pickle juice. Plus some salt and peper and salad supreme. Sorry no exact measurements. Everything is to taste.

Dekruyf secret: After cutting up boiled potatoes, sprinkle w/pickle juice or vinegar and water.

* Recipe Contributed by Margaret DeKruyf