1 cup rice, cooked (Uncle Bens/orig recipe/microwave/ready-rice*
12 oz. tamales - canned (I used Hormel 16 oz.)
1/2 lb mushrooms, fresh
4-5 chicken breasts (I use Costco rotissiere chicken)
16 oz. tomato sauce
2 bunches scallions
3 cups cream of chicken soup (3 cans)
1/2 lb. grated cheddar cheese
bread crumbs, butter
While getting rice ready, pre-heat oven to 350
Cook rice in water and salt (not needed for microwave pkg)
Using a 4-qt casserole (I use large rectangle casserole), layer ingredients in order given.
Insert knife in several places to allow sauce to penetrate.
BAKE AT 350 for 45 minutes.
We all loved this casserole and we had it many times for our Christmas dinner. We looked forward to it. It is a great combination of flavors and it was always a hit.
*This only takes 90 seconds to make, easy!
Serves 12
Recipe Contributed by
Patty Kuchenski from Mary Lou Pruett from Ellie Zorkocy (our next door neighbor on Panorama Dr)