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Flank Steak Marinade

1 1/3 cup salad oil
3/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup worchestershire sauce
1/2 cup wine vinegar
3 tsp dry mustard
1 Tbsp pepper
1 1/2 tsp dry parsley
dash garlic

Mix and marinate in a sealed Zip-Lock bag overnight

My recipe is dated 2000 but the Kuchenski family has used it as a family favorite for birthdays, family dinners, etc. as long as I can remember since I have been married to Jeff. Curt does the BBQ'ing on the back patio.

We usually marinade flank steak in a combination of 1/2 soy sauce and 1/2 teriyaki sauce with a little garlic and onion added but for a really special taste, try this. I guarantee it will become one of your family favorites as well.

* Recipe Contributed by Patty Kuchenski from Rose Kuchenski