2 Tbs. Red chili Powder
1/2 Cup Flour
2 Cups Tomato Juice
1 1/2 Tbs. Salad Oil
2 Onions ground very fine
Mix chili powder and flour with a bit of water to make a smooth paste. Add other ingredients and simmer until thick. Dip softened tortillas in the sauce and put a spoonful of filling on each. Roll like a jelly roll and place in an
oiled oblong pan. Place a slice of cheese on each enchilada and cover with sauce. Bake in 375 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Place on a plate and garnish with chopped cheese on top and chopped lettuce, cilantro, avacado and tomatoes on the side Sour cream is a nice topping as well.
The best way to soften tortillas is with a "La Tortilla Oven". www.latortillaoven.com This is a round insulated fabric sleeve in which tortillas can be heated to perfect in the microwave in seconds. It is an indispenseable device for making enchiladas, taquitos or tacos.
Recipe Contributed by
Arizona Cookbook