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Carmel Pecan Rolls

1st Step:
2 c. milk
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter
1/3 c. cornmeal
2 tsp. salt

2nd Step:
7-7 1/2 c. flour, divided
2 pkgs yeast
2 eggs

2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. milk
1/2-1 c. pecans

Last Step:
butter, softened to ease spreading
1/2 c. sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
raisins, optional

1st Step:
In a saucepan, combine these ingredients: bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Set aside to cool to 120 degrees.

2nd Step:
In a mixing bowl combine 2 cups of flour with yeast. Add the cooked cornemal mixture, beat on low until smooth. Add eggs and 1 cup of flour; mix 1 minute. Stir enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. Turn onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic(can be mostly done in Kitchen Aid machine with the kneading hook if you have one). Place in a greased bowl turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise for about 1 hour.

Combine topping ingredients in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil and pour into a two 9x13 pan. Set aside.

Last steps:
Punch down dough and cut in 2. Roll each into a 12x15 rectagle. Spread with butter. Combine 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tsp. cinnamon and sprinkle on butter, raisins can be added. Roll up and slice(cut 12 from each roll) and place on caramel. cover and let rise until doubled. Baked at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Invert after 1 minute.


A tradition on Christmas morning. They are scrumptious!

Notes to Marcy(added 7/25/15):
-Don't use bread flour. Was denser.
-Pecans are definitely better than walnuts, but walnuts can be used in a pinch.
-Dont use the giant pirex at the Canal if possible. Buy another 13x9 for canal. Spreads topping out too thin.
-I have been over baking for last 2 times. Take out when JUST turning golden.
-Don't over cook carmel topping. Take off just after boiling.

*Beverly Andersen tried this out and it worked!!!!
-roll out and cut rolls. Put in pan with caramel sauce. DO NOT do the second rise at this point. wrap tightly so they don't dry out. Put in fridge to stop rising. The next morning, take out of fridge and let rise for a couple of hours. Then bake as usual.

* Recipe Contributed by Margaret DeKruyf