Here is the recipe for 3 cups of pecans, so you can double or triple accordingly:
Whip one egg white w/1 tablespoon of water until frothy.
Mix the nuts with the egg white until coated.
Strain the nuts in a colander for a few minutes, shaking around to get the excess egg white off. (I didn't do this step for the party and wish I had.)
In a larger bowl, mix 2/3 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons kosher salt, 1 teaspoon cayenne and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. (Adjust to your tastes)
Mix nuts around in powder mix.
Spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
Bake at 250 for 40 minutes. Stir and spread them out again. Bake another 30 minutes. Take them out of the oven and stir around, but let them cool on the cookie sheet. Eat them all at once before your husband gets home.
Mileen brought these to a family party and we all loved them!
Recipe Contributed by
Susan Miali via Mileen Binning