6-7 pound pork shoulder roast, most fat removed
8 clove garlic clove(s)
2 onions chopped
6 thigh boneless, skinless chicken thigh(s)
6 chicken drumstick with skin and bone
20 peppercorns
1 cup soy sauce
4 bay leaves (2 early; add 2 later)
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
Cut pork into large chunks (like for stew) and brown in olive oil. Add garlic and 2 chopped onions. You can saute the pork first...move it to crock pot and then saute onions and garlic...OR just toss onions and garlic in after meat is browned.
Add 20 pepper corns, 2 large bay leaves, and 2 more chopped onions (not sauted) to crockpot. Add 1 cup soy sauce and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup water. Cook on high for one hour and then turn it to low for a few hours. One hour before serving add in the chicken and an additional 1/2 c. soy sauce, bayleaves and 1/4 c. vinegar.
When chicken is done, I separated all the liquid from the meats and added ice cubs to skim off all of the fat?there is a lot from the chicken and the pork. (I also cleaned the crockpot to serve it.) Add the meat back in and add enough sauce to make it saucy but not soupy. Reserve the extra sauce for the next day, if needed.
adaptation from Danny Flores' "recipe"
Recipe Contributed by
Mary Ann Laun