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Shelly's Cr?me Brulee #1

8 oz half and half
1 Tahitian vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 egg yolks
1 whole egg
5 oz sugar
24 fluid oz heavy cream
1 cup fine sugar, as needed

Heat half and half with vanilla bean and extract. Whisk together yolks, egg and sugar. Pour a small amount of hot half and half into the egg mixture to temper the eggs. Add the remaining half and half . When cooled, add in cream. Cool completely. Remove vanilla bean. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Fill ramekins with mixture and place in baking dish. Fill with hot water half way up, cover tightly with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Cool well. Sprinkle sugar over surface of cr?me. Place under broiler and broil until nicely browned and caramelized.
Yield: 8 portions

Shelly made this c. Christmas 2001 and it wa such a hit that now it is a tradition. She now makes Creme Brulee #2 but Jeff Laun does not think it compares to the original recipe!

* Recipe Contributed by Shelly Burnett