4 Turkey wings (about 3 or 4)
2 mdium onions peeled and quartered
1 c. water
8 cups chicken broth
2 medium carrots, cut in chunks
2 medium ribs celery with leaved, chunks
4 sprigs fresh thyme
3/4 c. flour
2 T. stick butter
1 tsp. Freshly ground pepper
Heat oven to 400. Put wings, onlins in roasting pan. Roast 11/2 hours or until wings are browned.
Put wings and onions into 5 qt. Pot. Add water to roasting pan and stir to scrape up any brown bits. Add to pot. Add 6 cups broth, carrots, celery, thyme. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer uncover 2 hours. Remove turkey parts, remove skin and save for later use.
Strain broth into saucepan. Discard veggies. You can refrigerate now and then skim off fat.
Whisk flour into 2 cups brothuntil blended and smooth.
Bring broth to a gente boil in saucepan. Whisk in flour mixture and boil 4-5 minutes to thicken. Stir in butter and pepper. Makes 8 cups.