1 lb. split peas
1 ham bone
1 1/2 c. onion or leek
1/2 t pepper
1/4 t. crushed marjoram
bay leaf
1 c. diced celery, 1 c. diced carrots, 1 grated potato
Rinse peas. Combine with 2 qts water, hambone, onion, spices.
Boil and reduce heat. Simmer 1 1/2 hours. Stir occasionally.
Remove bone and leaf and cut off meat and dice. Return meat and add vegetables.
Cook slowly uncovered 30-40 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste...I add a hefty amount of pepper and I add dried red peppers for a little kick! about 2-3 teaspoonsful ...maryann
Recipe Contributed by
Marcia Laun