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Melinda and Mary Ann's Blackberry Jelly

Measure out 4 1/2 c. sugar and set aside
Bring to a full rolling boil:
4 1/2 c. juice
1/4 c. lemon juice
package of MCP Pectin (Sure jell is too firm)

After juice, lemon juice and pectin comes to a rolling boil, add sugar and 1/2 t. butter (to reduce scum). Return to a full rolling boil and when it starts rolling, set timer for 2 minutes (if using MCP)
When two minutes are up, remove from heat, skim off the scum, and pour into hot, sterilized jars.
Seal firmly with sterilized lids.
Turn upside down for 5 minutes and then turn right side up. Lids will pop as the seal takes hold.

wooden spoon
1/4 c.easure for lemin juice
tablespoon to skim it
tea towels for setting prepared jars

* Recipe Contributed by Mary Ann Laun