The crab boil recipe is like a soup where you throw stuff into a big crab pot.
Throw in
one 5 lb bag of little red potatoes
3-4 onions cut up
3 lemons cut in half
12 or so corn on the cobs. (I break the corn in half.)
Salt to taste.
3 bags of Zatarans crab & shrimp boil (I think QFC or Safeway in Belfair has this in their Seafood Dept.
I bought it when I was in Louisiana at a Super WalMart.
You can also get it online at
Add enough water to cover the veggies.
Boil till the potatoes are just about done then you put your washed crab parts in.
Bring to a boil. Let boil 15 min.
If you don't have room in the pot for the crabs then you can take out the corn on the cobs and potatoes if they are cooked completely.
After the 15 min. is up let stand for 5 min.
Serve on platters taking out everything with a spoon with holes so the juice can drain.
Recipe Contributed by
Janna Stevens