2 c. miniature marshmallows (20 large)
1/2 c. milk
Melt above in double boiler and et aside to cool.
Melt 4 T. butter over hot water.
Add 2 c. cookie crumbs (half vanilla, half graham crackers)
1 can sour cherries
Drain and add cold water to pie cherry juice to make 1 c. liquid.
Set pie cherries aside.
1 c. sugar, 3 T cornstarch, 1.8 t. salt.
Cook until thick and glossy. Cool.
Add food coloring and almond flavoring.
Whip 1 c. of whip cream. Fold in marshmallow mixture.
Line bottom of oblong pan with half of cookie crumbs.
Add cherries and filling?
Add layer of cream mix, top with cookie crumbs.
Each serving could be served with whipped cream and cherry.
Recipe Contributed by
Roger Schuettke