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Maxine Castle Youens' Turkey Noodle Soup

1 cup onion (and/or leeks)
1 cup celery, diced
leftover turkey bones and meat
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
1/2 lb. medium egg noodles

Chop onion and celery and saute it in a little olive oil.
Add enough chicken stock (and/or water) to cover
turkey bones. Gently simmer until most of the turkey meat falls off of the bones.
Remove bones. Remove any excess meat from the bones and add it to the soup pot.
Cool broth?and skim any fat off of the top.
Re-heat and blend in 1 can of Campbell's cream of chicken soup (fat free).
Add medium egg noodles and cook until just done.
(Don't overdo it or it will be mushy).

Serve immediately with green peas sprinkled on top.

Max said her mother used to serve this over mashed potatoes?
but we both agreed, it was too much starch

* Recipe Contributed by Mary Ann Laun